Committees and Teams

Student Affairs Committees and Teams

The Division of Student Affairs supports the idea of shared governance through its philosophy and support of various leadership teams. Staff are encouraged to actively participate in one or more of these smaller work groups in order to help strengthen collaboration and cooperation. There are several division-wide leadership teams that meet regularly, including the following:

Planning and Assessment Team (PAT)

Chairperson - Rebekkah Wall  ( (Divisional Assessment & Divisional Planning)

  • Committee members: Dr. Carole Douglas, Madison Ray

The Student Affairs Planning and Assessment Team helps to oversee and coordinate assessment activities within departments, committees, and the division. Members serve as consultants for division staff members on assessment planning; coordinate and/or conduct assessments of importance to the campus; and assist in interpreting and sharing results/data with staff and other campus constituents. The Planning and Assessment Team will shepherd the strategic process for Student Affairs and will ensure that we have a comprehensive, on-going assessment plan and departmental review process.

Student Affairs Staff Development Committee (SASDC)

Chairperson-  Debbie Letterman,

  • Committee Members: Beverly Talty, Sherry Elkins, Paula Jean, Bill Lacava, Dr. Rabekah Stewart-Clark, Raeleen Ziegler, Peggy Jones, Zach McMeley, Marissa Carter, Megan Craven and Teri Trickey

The Student Affairs Staff Development Committee seeks to provide personal, professional, and social development for staff within the Division of Student Affairs. In order to do so, the committee: Coordinates a comprehensive, ongoing professional development program and organizes and promotes opportunities for social and personal interaction among DOSA staff.

Networking Team

Chairperson- Priscilla Childress (

  • Committee Members: Tammy Dixon, Todd Euglow, Peggy Jones, Maryjo Miller and Dr. Robert Scott

The Student Affairs Networking Team will promote relationship building with various academic and non-academic stakeholders across campus. The team will also focus on fostering relationships with previous student leaders and current alumnae. They will focus on identifying current collaborations and finding ways to highlight those partnerships and associations that strengthen our work with students. The team will provide a systematic, integrated, and coordinated approach to friend and fundraising efforts across the division. The team may suggest formats for sharing these connections and may advocate for increased relationship building in areas where opportunities exist.

Inclusion Awareness Team

Chairperson - Paige Jenkins (

  • Committee Members: Carlye Genisio, Devin Schehrer, Chiara Citterio, Todd Euglow, Hannah Harris, Gabby Catlin, Nicholas Horne, Vonetta Ivy-Medlock, Shy Wells, Nadia Pshonyak, April Phillips and  Enyinaya S. Okafor.

The Student Affairs Inclusion Awareness Team works collaboratively to promote and elevate MSU diversity endeavors. A few goals the committee would like to accomplish this year are:

  • Serve as an advocate for and promote events/efforts that are organized by DOSA and the university as a whole
  • Develop committee sponsored events such as book clubs, coffee talks/tough talks (partnering with campus partners), and other professional development opportunities for the staff in our division