DOSA Awards 2023

This is the fourteenth year of presenting the DOSA awards and a wonderful opportunity to recognize students and staff from within the Division for exemplary performance this previous academic year.  We received numerous nominations recognizing various individuals and groups. A committee with representatives from across the division reviewed each of the nominations and made the difficult decision on the selection of the recipients, so many thanks to them. 

Our first award category is the Promotion of Public Affairs Award.  This award is presented to an individual or team for promoting an appreciation, understanding, or celebration of the Public Affairs Mission through delivery of a program and/or through personal actions focused on the three pillars that created a positive impact on our campus.  

This year’s winner is the OSE Fraternity and Sorority Life for their philanthropic efforts during Greek Week. Students raised 21,443 pounds of food for the Bear Pantry in 5 days. They completed 3,731 service hours for the three weeks of service leading up to Greek Week and raised almost $4500 for philanthropic partners (Music Therapy of the Ozarks and Ozark Food Harvest). 

The next Award is the Innovation by a Team, New Program, or Initiative. This award recognizes the combined cooperative efforts of a team or individual to develop and/or deliver an innovative response to student needs.  

This year’s winner is Involvement Ambassadors. 

The team of OSE Involvement Ambassadors (IAs) provide assistance and advisement to student organizations and their leaders. They work to improve student involvement on many levels: they meet with prospective students, present to classes and various groups about ways to get involved, promote the OSE’s Experiences on BearLink in order to get students more engaged with the campus community, and help facilitate educational sessions hosted by the Co-Curricular Involvement team. 

The nominator stated: “Upon implementation, there were 2 students serving as Involvement Ambassadors and next year there will be a total of 4 student leaders. This initiative continues to grow, improve and serve the student body. They met their goal this spring by meeting with around 40 student organizations…This initiative will increase student engagement and give them more direct support in connecting to opportunities that will help them find their sense of belonging here.”

The next award is the Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award.  This award recognizes a graduate assistant who has completed at least one semester of graduate work and demonstrated superior job performance.  As always, we have many wonderful graduate assistants. 

There were two GA’s that stood out and it was decided that both should receive the award.
Those selected are Makenzie Maples and Makenzie Maxwell.  

Makenzie Maples works as a GA in Campus Recreation. She is pursuing a Master of Athletic Training degree.

One of her nominators noted “Makenzie Maples has consistently displayed exceptional leadership, a commitment to continuous improvement, and an unwavering dedication to the safety and well-being of our staff and student community. Her efforts have significantly elevated the standards of our organization and positioned Missouri State University as a leader in the field of Campus Recreation.”

Makenzie Maxwell has completed 1 year towards her degree in Student Affairs and Higher Education. She serves as a graduate assistant in the Dean of Students Office. 

One of her nominators noted “…This is the first year where we have had a Graduate Assistant serve in the capacity of a Care Consultant (a staff member who works with students needing resources)…This past year, Makenzie has worked with a variety of students who might need care. Makenzie was also the staff member who would reach out to students who were injured, sick, or had lost a loved one. Makenzie did this with care as well and while the student was not required to see Makenzie, they often would request a meeting with her.”

The Outstanding New Exempt Staff Member Award is presented to a new exempt staff member employed within the Division of Student Affairs for less than two years who has demonstrated superior job performance and displayed a positive attitude and commitment to the Division of Student Affairs and Missouri State University.

Zack Kelley of Foster Recreation was selected for this category.

His nominator stated “Zack has implemented a step-by-step training program for new building managers, allows veteran building managers to assist in mentoring and training new building managers, and he offers his help in any way possible from covering shifts to life advice... A recent graduate stated, “You are a great boss and mentor to so many people, me included.” …Zack’s passion for being a champion for student success is rivaled by few on this campus. Our division’s slogan is rooted in every decision, process, and change that Zack makes. He is often seen chatting with student staff members checking up on their lives, school, and work happiness.” 

The Outstanding New Non-Exempt Staff Member Award recognizes a new non-exempt staff member employed within the Division of Student Affairs for less than two years who has demonstrated superior job performance, displayed a positive attitude and commitment to the Division of Student Affairs and Missouri State University. 

Marissa Carter from Facilities and operations in Residence Life is our award winner. 

Per her nominator “Marissa Carter started working in Residence Life – Facilities and Operations in January 2022, as an Administrative Assistant…In October, the Facilities Specialist left our office, and Marissa stepped up and volunteered to take on additional tasks and responsibilities to ensure the work was still being completed. Through her learned knowledge and commitment to the office and department, Marissa later successfully applied for, and accepted the Facilities Specialist position. The transition to this new role meant that Marissa’s former position was now vacant. To continue helping the office and department out, Marissa continued serving in both roles until her former position was filled at the end of May. Taking on a new role within our department, she actively sought out ways to improve herself and her new position while training the replacement of her position. 

The Outstanding New Part-Time Staff Member Award recognizes a new non-student part-time staff member employed by the Division of Student Affairs for less than two years who has demonstrated superior job performance and displayed a positive attitude and commitment to the Division of Student Affairs and Missouri State University. 

This year's winner is Quinlan Pulleyking, the Marketing Coordinator for the Career Center. 

Her nominator wrote: “Our marketing efforts have been elevated thanks to Quinlan’s communications studies background, her attention to details, and the new energy she brings to the team. Having no previous experience with career services, Quinlan jumped right in to investigate and learn what we’re all about, through attending our many events and meeting with staff members – really integrating herself as part of the team…It’s possible that part-time employees might not be as committed to their workplace, but that has never been the case with Quinlan” 

The Outstanding Part-Time Staff Member Award recognizes a non-student, part-time staff member employed by the Division of Student Affairs for two or more years who has demonstrated superior job performance and displayed a positive attitude and commitment to the Division of Student Affairs and Missouri State University.

This year we had two outstanding employees rise to the top. 
Shana Del Vecchio and Lauren Sexton. 

Shana is a Board Certified Adult Nurse Practitioner at Magers. Her primary interest is women’s health care.  

Shana’s nominator wrote “when she sees a need she is quick to offer her assistance.  She quickly volunteered to offer her assistance as we navigated a transition of a full-time employee. This meant sharpening her skills and offering to complete weekly rotations in the immediate care clinic.  She has flexed her hours to meet the needs of the clinic, often on short notice.” 

Lauren Sexton serves as an assistant to the Customer Service Manager at the Bookstore. 
Her nominator wrote “…Lauren embraced the role of on-line order fulfillment and customer service as a personal goal to give excellent customer service whether in person, on-line or via phone conversations when needed to manage customer orders and requests. She has gone above and beyond countless times to make sure the customers’ orders are completed.”

The Outstanding Non-Exempt Staff Member Award recognizes a non-exempt staff member employed by the Division of Student Affairs for two or more years who has demonstrated superior job performance and displayed a positive attitude and commitment to the Division of Student Affairs and Missouri State University.

Our winner is Margaret Osler from Residence Life, Housing and Dining Services!

Her nominator wrote “When I stepped into my current role, I had the opportunity to select a new administrative assistant. My vision for this position was that this person would be the lead administrative staff member in the department who would coordinate administrative efforts across units. Without me stating this vision to all of the team, Margaret has been able to do this in a very organic way that has made us a stronger team. Margaret is able to see the big picture needs of the team, fill the gaps, and make things happen incredibly quickly.” 

The Outstanding Exempt Staff Member Award recognizes an exempt staff member employed by the Division of Student Affairs for two or more years who has demonstrated superior job performance and displayed a positive attitude and commitment to the Division of Student Affairs and Missouri State University.

The winner is Chiara Citterio from the Counseling Center!

Chiara’s nominator wrote “... Chiara is a true advocate for students especially diverse students. This can be seen through Chiara’s commitment to professional development surrounding diversity and inclusion. Chiara is the staff member who will always raise their hand to say “I will do it” and takes on more responsibility than others. While everyone at the Counseling Center stepped up during Rhonda’s retirement, it was Chiara who kept everyone organized and on task. Chiara first and foremost is here to work with students and she embodies the “champion of student success”. When looking at a complex situation, Chiara will offer a student perspective or advocate on their behalf.” 

The Outstanding Long-Standing Staff Member Award recognizes an exempt, non-exempt, or part-time non-student staff member employed by the Division of Student Affairs for ten years or more who has demonstrated superior job performance and displayed a positive attitude and commitment to the Division of Student Affairs and Missouri State University.

The winner is Margie Stewart! Margie serves as the Associate Director at the Career Center with a primary focus on Employer Engagement. 

One of Margie’s nominators wrote “As the coordinator of all employer engagement efforts in the Career Center, Margie has given enormous effort to improving the employer experience on our campus to ensure that they are able to make meaningful connections with MSU students. Last year, she created a new program in partnership with our marketing team called Bear Your Talent Tuesdays. This program seeks to connect alumni, employers, and current students to help promote full-time and internship opportunities in the Springfield community and beyond” 

The Outstanding Friend of Student Affairs Award recognizes an induvial outside of the division that goes above and beyond to assist us with our needs. This award is given at the discretion of the Vice President. 

This year’s recipient is Paul Ziegler, Property Control Coordinator. 

He and his team have supported the Bear Pantry by loaning them one of his fleet vehicles to pick up items for the pantry from Sam’s.  Paul shared a story of a mother calling several departments before reaching him. The mother was concerned that her students’ dress suit would not be delivered in time for the student to rush. The package had been delivered but not to his area… Paul called the delivery carrier, found the package, and drove the student to pick it up. The mother called him back and thanked him. He replied, “here at MSU, we are Champions of Success”.