Sexual Assault

Students who report a Sexual Assault or Domestic or Dating Violence (theirs or someone else’s)

Students may be involved in a situation that involves some form of sexual misconduct, or be told by someone else of a sexual misconduct situation that has occurred.  Sexual misconduct may include: rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, domestic or dating violence or stalking.

If you have any questions or concerns about a Title IX issue, sexual assault, dating or domestic violence or stalking, please contact:

Title IX Office
Carrington Hall 205

Staff members in the Title IX Office can assist students with the filing of a complaint or setting up a meeting to discuss options and obtain answers to any questions.  University faculty and staff members who receive information regarding a Title IX issue are required to report the incident to the Title IX Office, with few exceptions including members of the Counseling Center and the Health and Wellness Center, who are confidential and not required to report to the Title IX Office.

For a list of university resources please refer to the Title IX Resources website.

Report form: